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  • What is UGC?
    UGC stands for User-Generated Content, which refers to any content created by individuals rather than brands. It can include photos, videos, reviews, and social media posts.
  • UGC is useful for which kind of businesses?
    UGC can benefit a wide range of businesses, especially those in the retail, hospitality, e-commerce, and lifestyle industries. Essentially, any business looking to build authenticity and engage with its audience can leverage UGC.
  • How do you ensure the UGC aligns with the brand's voice and marketing goals?
    Through detailed briefings and creative collaboration, we ensure that all UGC aligns seamlessly with the brand's identity and goals.
  • Can you describe the content approval process?
    Once UGC is created, we present it to the brand for review and feedback. Any necessary revisions are made based on the brand's input.
  • How do you measure the success of UGC campaigns?
    We track various metrics such as engagement, reach, click-through rates, and conversions to gauge the effectiveness of UGC campaigns. These insights help us optimise future campaigns for even better results.
  • What is included in your UGC packages?
    Our UGC packages typically include ideation, content creation, editing, and final delivery of UGC assets. We also offer options for additional services such as content strategy consultation.
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